Wednesday, January 30, 2008


Part III
An inward research on the famous Hadeeth on various perspectives
In some versions (especially in a narration by Umar Razhiallahu anhu) of the Hadeethe Ihsan, we find Jibreel Alaihissalam pronouncing 'Sadaqta' (you said the truth) for the Prophet Muhammad's (peace be upon him) answers to his queries on Islam and Iman. We also find the Sahaba's astonishment at the stranger's (Jibreel) act of asking a question and then validating it. The important point to note is that Jibreel alaihissalam did not tell anything to the Prophet's (peace be upon him) answer on Ihsan. The Sufis have explained to us that the angels do not know about Ihsan and man has been gifted with that great state.
Before proceeding I would like to make it clear that we cannot see Allah with our eyes in this world. Even in the Hadeethe Ihsan, the prophet (peace be upon him) has used 'ka' meaning "as if" which many people fail to notice. Though many people attribute many reasons to it, practically it is impossible to see Allah, in this world. If we are to see Him, He should be away from us and again the concept of two existence comes, which is not true. Yes, the creations do exist but, there existence is due to the existence of Allah. We exist within Him. The question of how we will see Allah in the here-after should not arise. It is beyond our comprehension but there remains no doubts on it. May Allah shower us all with the blessing of his 'Likha' (vision).
My Shaikh uses to say that we have eyes in our heart. I can say it is our ability to feel. We can experience the af'al (actions), sifath (characteristics) and the ujoodh of Allah. This feeling can be experienced both in anfus (within ourselves) and in aafaak (outside us).
We find movements all the time happening all around us. These movements are in fact due to the kuwwath (power) of Allah. So, we have to associate these actions to the power of Allah, and feel excited at His mercy for offering it to us with out any break. I would like to make one thing clear here. Though the power is from Allah, we cannot attribute our actions to Him. He is Subhan (pure) of all these actions. It is out of His mercy that He is blessing us with His power. The creations use His power to perform actions. The creations have the freedom to use it for good as well as bad purposes and so comes the theory of heaven for the good and hell for the bad.
The sifaaths, explained clearly in the article on Kalima, also belong to Allah and what we find it in the creations are its reflections.We can feel and get excited over these Sifaths coming out of the creations.
Similarly, the existence of all the creations is due to the reflection of His existence and we can feel that too. If you don't understand it properly and go astray, I am not responsible for it. No body has attained perfection in Ihsan without the guidance of a Kamil Shaikh. So, if you have doubts feel free to contact me.
This way of experiencing Allah's characteristics in the creations is the state of Ihsan. What I have provided is just a gist of it all and only a Kamil Shaikh can enlighten you on this. If in any way, I have put anything wrong, it is totally my fault and I ask Allah's forgiveness for it and also His guidance.
A brief explanation of Ujoodh
"Al Ujoodhu maa bihil mawjoodhiyath" -- The ujoodh of a creation is what it is made of. For example, the ujoodh of a cap is cloth; the ujoodh of the computer keyboard is plastic. As far as Allah is concerned, He exists by himself and we are not allowed to think about His ujoodh for His ujoodh and Zaath are same for Him. Our Prophet (peace be upon Him) has said that it is not permitted to think about Allah's zaath and it has been stated that all people are fools with respect to Allah's zaath. (The explanation of zaath is provided in the article on kalima.)
How Allah created us is a big secret explained to us by the Arifeens as "Sirre Thakhleeq" (the secret of the creation). The question of with what Allah created us is answered by them as His Ujoodh. Yes, Allah created us with His ujoodh. But, He has not changed a bit due to the creation of this universe. "Huwa al aana kama kana alaihi" (He is now as He was before). He is pure from changing, breaking, cutting into pieces, getting into something, something getting into Him, etc., etc.
It's a very very big topic to discuss on and a slight slip may lead us to hell and may Allah save us all from that. Insha Allah, I will try to add information on the same topic in future. If you have any specific doubts, you can send me a email and Insha Allah, I will get back to you.
I complete this article on Ihsan with some clarifying points:
• Allah has not changed a bit in any way in His essence and He will not.
• Allah's existence has not mixed with us and He is pure of getting mixed and mixing with anything.
• We can't see Allah by our eyes in this world.
• Though the power and characteristics we possess are due to the reflection of Allah's characteristics, in no way Allah is responsible for the bad deeds which we do. We are fully responsible for that.

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